It's only a five-minute bike ride from our house, and it's huge - apparently it's the largest library in Europe and was designed by some famous architect (Jo Coenen & Co for any of you who are familiar with modern architecture).
On the nine floors there are comfy chairs, a huge restaurant, a cafe, wireless internet and computers everywhere, and lots of books and magazines - even some English ones!
It took us long enough to get there, but now that we've found it, both Brian and I agree we're going to want to spend a lot of time there, especially on the long, rainy winter days to come.

The front of the library (called bibliotheek in Dutch)

A bird's eye view of one of the floors
- Krista
Hey Bri and Krista, this is great. I am becoming a big fan of blogs (I hope you're getting Patrick's; if not, let me know, I will send you the link.) Anyway, it is fun to see you both and to see what you've been doing and the new place and, and, and...anyway, you get the idea; I'm glad you're doing this. It will be fun to see you in a couple of months when you visit for Xmas.
Sorry, but I think the Camas libary looks nicer. In fact, if you haven't heard by now, it got an award recently for being one of the best libraries in the state.
And, the best part-all there books are in English
wow!! that is the coolest library...
although the pompideu (ehhh spelling?) in paris is awesome too!
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