And you can buy anything you ever dreamed of; we saw everything from computers, to power tools, to old cameras and clothing items... the list goes on. In fact, a lot of the stalls in the tents we went in (3 out of 5 of us were tuckered out after the very first tent, so we only went in around 3 total I think) were filled with absolute junk. It literally looked like some of the people went in their attic and took out everything they didn't want and tried to sell it. And people were actually buying it!
There was also a stand where there were pre-wrapped presents, and for 10 Euros you could buy one and get a "surprise" gift out of it. €10 for something you have no idea what it could be? I have better things to spend my money on, thank you.
Anyway, here are a couple of photos from the day:

In order: Colin, Andy (hiding in the back with the hat on) Elyse, and Brian
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