Sunday, May 24, 2009

Krista's parents visit: Siena, Italy

We left Cinque Terre in the afternoon and made our way to Siena, where we stayed for two nights.

My parents had been there eight years before, and remembered it being a small town with windy streets and quaint and interesting shops. So when we showed up and were greeted by crowds of people and designer stores they were a bit surprised.

We had a good time, despite the town's recent commercialization. We climbed the tower in the middle of the square (see photo below), and my parents did a walking tour while I explored on my own (my attention span is much too short for those things). And of course, we had lots of good food and plenty of gelato!

A few pictures below:

A view of Siena from the tower

My parents looking down at the square

Our entire Picassa album here.

- Krista


Anonymous said...

Ah, Sienna - did you get to see the grotesque mummified head and finger of saint terresa?


Pensieri sparsi said...

I have a nice mash up regarding Siena.Check it out

I see that you went on the top of the tower!best wiev ever