Friday, October 16, 2009

The Dutch countryside

While on my way to drop off and pick up Rocket from her new kennel just south of Amsterdam, I walked through an incredibly gorgeous part of the Dutch countryside (I ended up doing a lot of walking on this trip, one of the downsides of not having a car).

Both times ended up being beautiful, slightly crisp, fall days, and it made me wonder what it would be like to live in the Dutch countryside. Everything seemed so luxurious - being able to have a car, a huge yard for our dog, an actual house - what a life!

But I know it's not right for us right now. We love to be able to walk and bike places too much, and even though these places weren't really that far out (it did take me 2 and a half hours to walk home, but it would be a much shorter bike ride), we still like being right in the middle of the city.

I can still visit though!

This bird was just sitting perfectly on an old bike... picturesque maybe?

This house seemed nice...

Rocket loved this long path by the river

- Krista

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