We had been planning a Paris trip for a while as a late anniversary present to each other. The city didn't let us down!
Since we had both been there before, we didn't have to hit every single tourist destination, but we did go to the Eiffel Tower (our attempt at being romantic), the Arc de Triumph, Mont Martre, the Centre Pompidou, and a few other famous spots.
But we mostly just got to walk around the city (lots and lots of walking) and take in the Parisian sights and culture. It was beautiful but a little overwhelming - I think Brian and I have gotten a little too used to small cities like Portland and Amsterdam and don't quite know how to function in a big city like Paris. But we did okay, aside from a few hangups.
And I seriously don't understand how Americans can think French people are rude... I have never had a bad experience with a French person in Paris! Sure, they might take a little warming up to once in a while, but that might take about two to five minutes and after that they're doing all they can to be friendly and helpful. If only Dutch people were the same (I still haven't figured out how to get Dutch people to warm up to me)!
Here are a few pictures from the trip:

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